Testo | Humidity Measurement

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  7. Testo | Humidity Measurement

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Thermalhygrometers, hygrometers or – more easily – humidity meters

A humidity meter (also called themalhygrometer or hygrometer) measures air humidity and moisture balance of the material in a safe, quick and precise way.

Here’s what TESTO Thermalhygrometers can offer:

  • Wide selection of different measuring instruments and probes
  • Precise and fast measurement results
  • Robustness, reliability and quality ensured by the brand


Testo Termoigrometri Ramico Strumenti Misura Torino
Testo Misuratore Umidita Igrometro Ramico Strumenti Misura Torino

Instead of a Thermalhygrometer: humidity Datalogger

A humidity Datalogger is a digital device that make non-stop measurements, recording the outcomes. This is very important for products that are vulnerable to humidity such as medicines and foodstuff. But it can be useful also for artworks storage, where air humidity mustn’t overcome certain values.

Digital humidity meter – without contact

Superficial humidity can be measured even through a remote instrument. You can choose between two possibilities:

Infrared thermometer with humidity meter; it can measure the environmental air humidity and the difference compared to the dew point. In this way you will be able to recognize promptly where there’s the risk of mold growing and to take countermeasures.

Thermal imagers with humidity meter; they not only can measure the surface moisture, but they also make it more visible. This is really important to recognize where there’s danger of mold formation. The thermal image in fact makes it clear simply using traffic lights principle. Where there’s high risk of mold formation it is portrayed in red, where there’s low risk it’s portrayed in green. Yellow represents borderline points.


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  7. Testo | Humidity Measurement