Testo | Professional Measuring Instruments

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Logo Testo Ramico Strumenti di Misura Torino

TESTO tools allow to check different size measurements in the industry:


  • During the production process, in which constant temperature checks are made; for example, in plastic moulding industries we can use a contact thermometer in order to check the temperature of the moulds.


  • In the Research and Development field, where humidity and room temperature are constantly controlled.
    Data Loggers record the daily trend and those data are useful to make statistical analysis.


  • You can use TESTO tools to make maintenance measurements such as electrical quantities, pressure, and also temperature and humidity.

Industries want to make all their processes as productive as possible. That’s why TESTO offers a wide range of measurement instruments and solutions designed to assure you the best production processes and make you save time and expenses.

Besides that, TESTO offers combustion and emission analysers to make sure environmental laws boundaries are respected; thermal imager to do electric, mechanic and process maintenance; climatic and environmental conditions monitoring systems and so on.

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