Testo | Temperature Measurement

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  7. Testo | Temperature Measurement

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Temperature measuring instruments and thermometer for any measuring task

Temperature is one of the most important measured quantities. We perceive it every day and each one of us prefers different temperatures depending on the situation. And this is precisely the biggest problem: normally temperature is just perceived. In order to get objective and comparable results you need a temperature measuring instrument. Ramico has thermometers and digital thermometers for any practical application.


Termometro infrarossi Ramico Strumenti Misura Torino
Misuratori Temperatura Testo Ramico Strumenti Misura Torino

Temperature meters on the field

There are a lot of areas of application regarding temperature measuring instruments. The following are the most important:

  • Sample checking of foodstuff
  • Temperature monitoring of food transport
  • Temperature measurement of the center of the gas flow in fireplaces and exhaust pipes
  • Measurement of different air temperatures
  • Superficial measurement of the supply temperature during welding
  • Immersion measurements in chemical solutions to check temperature values during corrosive processes
  • Superficial temperature measurement of bearings and planetary gearbox into the mechanical industry


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  7. Testo | Temperature Measurement