LLOYD | Extensometers

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  7. LLOYD | Extensometers

LLOYD Materials Testing Ramico Strumenti Misura Torino

Extensometers are used to measure the exact changes in the length of the tested sample. There are a variety of sizes and types, designed for contact or contactless measurements.


LLOYD Estensimetri Video Ramico Strumenti Misura Torino

VE1 is a high-precision video strain gauge that uses a contactless optical measurement based on a digital camera and the real time elaboration of the pictures in order to measure the longitudinal and transverse deformation during the traction tests…

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LLOYD Estensimetri a contatto Corsa Lunga Ramico Strumenti Misura Torino

Long Travel Extensometers are ideal for tests on materials with high elongation. There are two different extensometers with long run: the first one is specific for plastic and rubber industry and the second one is for rigid industries…

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LLOYD Estensimetri per deflessione Ramico Strumenti Misura Torino

It is available a wide range of strain gauges for deflection measurement, ideal to measure deflection in three and four point bending test and in compression test applications. 

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LLOYD Estensimetri a contatto Ramico Strumenti Misura Torino

Contact strain gauge are designed to make accurate deformation and extension measurements of a sample whose thickness can be up to 25 mm. Contact strain gauges are available in various dimensions…

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  7. LLOYD | Extensometers